Getting started 1977-1979

  Several organizational meetings were held prior to the actual founding of PIN.

The original impetus for discussions to found a multi-country organization was to bring together two-year colleges in Canada and the United States.


Abe Konrad, University of Alberta and Don Morgan, University of Minnesota discussed the need to create a structure to develop professional relationships with two-year colleges in Canada and the United States.

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A reality check was launched immediately to see if this idea would “fly” with on-the-firing-line two-year college administrators.

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January 1979 – In this meeting, the Postsecondary International Network (PIN) was founded.

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Organization of PIN

Document of Understanding

There are obvious commonalities of purpose, programs, curriculum and instruction in technical/community/further education institutions in Australia*, Bahrain*, Canada*, New Zealand*, the United Kingdom*, United States*, and other countries in the world. These commonalities notwithstanding, there have not yet developed a close interaction among the technical/community further education colleges in these countries. A better understanding of educational programs and developments could be mutually beneficial to institutions of each country, and cooperative activities could both improve and extend present educational offerings. Therefore, an alliance of technical/community further education colleges known as a postsecondary International Network (PIN) has been established. (*PIN partners in the year 2009)


The organization of PIN provides for a membership forum and an Executive Committee.

Membership Forum:
The membership forum will be composed of those representatives from member institutions attending the PIN business meeting at the annual PIN international conference. The Forum may make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee:
Membership on the Executive Committee shall consist of those officers elected by the membership forum, namely the President and President Elect, plus the immediate Past President. In addition, full members from each country shall put forward one or more members from different institutions. Members on the Executive Committee should normally be serving CEOs/Presidents of member institutions. The President and President-Elect serve two-year terms.

The Executive Committee will meet at least once a year at which time it will:

  • Plan and develop objectives and activities for the organization;
  • Initiate policies and implement policies of the network;
  • Make recommendations regarding annual membership fees;
  • Review, in context, the participation of PIN members and make decisions about continued memberships;
  • Determine the budget for administrative tasks of the organization;
  • Communicate the decisions taken at its meeting to the membership in semi-annual newsletters; and
  • Facilitate the securing of external resources for PIN projects and encourage members to do the same.

Administrative and Treasurer Support:
The PIN Executive Chair will arrange for the administrative and treasury tasks of the organization to be carried out. It is expected that the PIN Executive Board will seek to facilitate the involvement of staff concerned.

– Amended: June 28, 1999 Annual Business Meeting, Barnsley College, UK.

– Amended: April 6, 2009 Executive Committee Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand

Article II: Membership

PIN membership is currently open to institutions in Australia, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Executive Board can approve the membership of additional countries, consequent upon which colleges within that country are eligible for membership. Full membership will be available. All members will be technical/community or further education institutions, publicly or privately funded, or their equivalents.


The minimum criteria for full members are as follows:

  1. The institution should provide evidence that the President (or equivalent) is committed to the “Understanding” as described under “Purpose” of PIN.
  2. The institution should be committed to incorporating an international dimension into existing/future college programs and services.
  3. The institution should pay dues annually at the full rate as set by the PIN Executive Board.

Full members shall be sponsored by a current member and approved by a two-thirds vote of the PIN Executive Board.

Continued membership is dependent on meeting the minimum criteria for each tier and satisfying membership responsibilities as determined by the PIN Executive Board. The membership of PIN shall be limited to 90 institutions.


Full members agree to the following:

  1. Presidents will serve, when elected, as members of the PIN Executive Board and attend meetings of the Board; plan conferences, etc.
  2. Presidents or their designees will attend the annual meeting.
  3. Institutions will participate in the PIN’s programs and projects, at least every other year.
  4. Institutions will contribute to a semi-annual newsletter.
  5. Additional responsibilities may be approved annually by the PIN Executive Board.

Full members will receive the following benefits:

  1. Opportunity for the President to provide leadership through cooperation with other executives to advance the purpose of PIN.
  2. Stipends for faculty projects as approved by PIN.
  3. Leadership programs for students.
  4. College receives on complementary registration for the annual conference.
  5.  Support for research/development projects as supported by PIN.
  6. Opportunity to participate in grant funded projects submitted by PIN.
  7. Semi-annual newsletter and occasional papers on PIN projects.


In recognition of previous service, former presidents of member colleges and former officers of PIN may be invited to be named as honorary members. Honorary members will be invited to attend and participate in meetings, although they will not have a vote. Honorary members will regularly receive mailings from PIN.

Article III: FEES

The membership fees will be established by the Executive Board and collected by the Executive Board Chair.

PIN will:

  1. Assess membership fees annually for full members on January 1;
  2. Collect fees solely for the purpose of furthering the activities of the network; and
  3. Disburse funds to defray costs accrued against the network in a fashion approved by the Executive Board.