Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM | Location: Westin Maui Resort & Spa
9:10 AM
Hawaiian Language and History Overview
Presenters: Hōkūlani Holt and Lui Hokoana
Leading Through Adversity
9:30 – 10:15 AM | Location: Ballroom
Following last year’s wildfires, The Maui Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) – which is responsible for disaster awareness, preparedness, and response for Maui County – was widely criticized for mismanagement of the tragedy. The MEMA director resigned as did much of the staff. Amos Lonokailua-Hewett is the new director. He will give us an update on the ongoing recovery efforts. He will discuss what leadership looked like as he assumed responsibility for an agency that was reeling from bad publicity, the exodus of employees, and that, at the same time, was still responsible for maintaining emergency preparedness for Maui County.
Presenters: Amos Lonokailua-Hewett, MEMA Administrator
Culturally-Minded Integrated Behavioral
Health Approach to Trauma
10:30 – 11:45 AM
Dr. Seabury has seen her share of trauma during her career as a clinical psychologist. She will instruct attendees on ways to recognize trauma and how to assist those experiencing it. She will also teach coping mechanisms to assist attendees as they deal with the stress of managing crisis response.
Presenter: Aukahi Austin Seabury, PhD
12:00 – 1:45 PM | Location: Westin Maui Resort
You’ve Been Hacked. Now What?
Panel Discussion Leading Cybersecurity Challenges
2:00 – 3:15 PM
In the last year, both Maui College and Hawai‘i Community College experienced cybersecurity incidents – code for being hacked. Panelists will discuss the initial shock of experiencing this cyber incident, how they worked to identify the perpetrators, secure the campus network, define the incident, resolve the incident, and the steps they’ve taken to prevent future cyber incidents.
Panelists: Larry Rosia, Lui Hokoana, and Garret Yoshimi
To AI or Not To AI, That is the Question
Panel Discussion Technology Disruptions
3:30 – 4:45 PM
Panelists will share what they know about current technological disruptions taking place in higher education and how they are dealing with this brave new world. Like it or not, it’s here!
Panelists: Rachel Solemsaas, Candace Walton, and Ian Kitajima