Faculty / Staff Exchange & Visit Program
In 1990, the Postsecondary International Network authorized the implementation of a faculty/staff exchange and visit program. The purpose of the exchange/visit program is to assist in achieving the following PIN goals:
- To facilitate communications among Canadian, United States, Netherlands, New Zealand and United Kingdom technical/ community/ further education colleges in areas of administration, curriculum, instructional methods, faculty, and student services.
- To provide an opportunity for networking and short-term exchanges and visits of staff members.
Click to open the Application Form: FacultyStaff-Exchange-Visit-Program-2023.pdf
The exchange and visit program is designed to facilitate faculty/staff exchanges and visits among PIN member colleges. The exchanges and visits are designed to enhance the professional development of faculty/staff and to further international understanding of two-year colleges. The colleges are expected to support and facilitate the exchange/visit process. The college and the faculty/staff members develop the exchange or visit to meet their institutional and individual objectives.
PIN will award up to two US$1,000 stipends to facilitate faculty/staff exchanges and visits from one member to another. A member is only eligible for one stipend per year. It is expected that the college will match the dollar amount of the stipend. The match will be cash or an in-kind contribution.
- The Faculty/Staff Exchange and Visit Program Application Form should be used.
- The program criteria must be addressed in the application.
- The narrative should be no longer than 1,000 words.
- The college president/principal and the faculty/staff member must sign the application form.
- If there is a need for assistance in identifying a host college, PIN will assist in identifying appropriate host colleges.
- Faculty/staff Exchange and Visit Program Application is submitted to the PIN Executive Director.
- All applications will be reviewed the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee will identify the award recipients.
- The PIN Executive Director will notify the successful and unsuccessful applicants.
- The $1,000 (US) stipend check will be sent to the college president/CEO/principal, once the exchange/visit has been completed and the participant has submitted their written summary of the experience.
- All applicants must be an employee of a PIN member college.
- The goals and objectives of the exchange or visit must be identified.
- Activities that will be used to achieve the goals and objectives should be identified.
- The benefits of the exchange or visit for the college, department, and the individual must be identified.
- The exchange must be consistent with the goals of the PIN organization.
Participant Responsibility
The participant must provide a written summary of the experience upon conclusion to their college and the PIN Executive Committee. The summary must include:
- Narrative summary of the experience.
- How the goals and objectives of the original proposal were achieved.
- An evaluation of the experience.
- The applicant is encouraged to share their experience with other staff.